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Outcreating Creative Blocks

February 18 @ 11:00 amMarch 24 @ 1:00 pm


6 Week Online Course to Access the Sacred Within

Inviting all creatives—painters, potters, poets, singers, songwriters, storytellers, chefs, writers, lyricists—who desire to explore and deepen their creative process through embodiment.

The voices of doubt and fear that form creative blocks are an important part of the creative process. When we are afraid of blocks, suppress them, or exile them, they continue to diminish our creative energy and our lived experience. When we give our blocks time, space, listening, and support, they guide the way to growth, expansion, and the evolution of our creative capacity.

To do this we need to bring safety to the nervous system through discharging and down regulating practices that use gentle and physical neuro-wise movement along with breath awareness.

Our blocks are nuggets of wisdom like gold covered in mud—they appear to be worthless, a hindrance, but they are necessary to develop your unique expressions. Blocks can enhance the creative process rather than stop it if we meet them with awareness of their value and purpose.

What to Expect

Each week we will work progressively deeper with our individual (though collectively shared) blocks. In this course we will learn from a nervous system perspective how and why we have creative blocks. We will learn about the anatomy of creative blocks and learn practices to: meet blocks with tenderness; receive their unique wisdom as a gift; and move them through the body without bypassing their lesson. We’ll be working with verbal and nonverbal blocks.

How will this Benefit Me?

Alongside the tools to uncover the gold hidden in your creative blocks, this course lays a foundational knowledge of the science behind what it means to be a neuro-wise creative. Understanding how our nervous system is wired is key to releasing blocks and to enhancing creative flow. You will be given practical tools to build a sense of safety for your nervous system. This safety is necessary foundation to accessing the wisdom within each block.

Who is This For?

This course is for you if you:

  • Enjoy being creative and desire to create more fully and deeply
  • Are frustrated with the blocks and distractions that keep getting in the way of your creative expression
  • Long to bring more aliveness to a creative project, energy that will take it to a new level
  • Have an idea for a creative project but lack the courage or support to bring it into the world
  • Are an aspiring or established creative who desires to evolve your capacity to create sacred writing, sacred expression
  • Desire a community of other creatives, people who ‘get it’, who will see and understand you

Week 1: Foundations for Working with Creative Blocks
Recognize blocks for what they are from a nervous system perspective—they are gift and guidance, a call to deepen creative process through neuro-wise practices. Blocks that arise in creative process are not happenstance. They are breadcrumbs showing you your individual path to growth if you have the eyes and heart to see them for what they are. Understanding the anatomy of creative blocks is the beginning to outcreate them.

In this class we will learn how the subconscious communicates through the body and how to recognize and work with those communications.

Week 2: Listening with Body to Hear the Block’s Wisdom
When we stay with the creative block through body listening, we can glean the value of the block. Discover what anchors the block, what the block is protecting, and how it can lead us into deeper relationship with the Sacred, the numinous.

In this class we will experience staying with the block to uncover the gold, the wisdom, hidden beneath the surface of the block.

Week 3: Resourcing to Meet Blocks with Tenderness
Building internal resources allows us to meet blocks with tenderness and to support transformation. When we’re deliberate in resourcing ourselves, we develop the capacity to meet blocks in a way that enhances our creative projects.

In this class we will develop a repertoire of resources and learn ways to resource ourselves during the everyday of life.

Week 4: Releasing Wordless Blocks Through Breathwork: Part 1
First we bring safety into the nervous system, and then we identify a block through sensation in the body. Next, we use 3-part breath (as taught by David Elliott) to open the energy flow and allow the block to release and heal. Then we engage creative work with insight, accessed through slower brainwave frequencies.

In this class we will combine a brief breathwork session with invitations to write, move, or contemplate as you excavate a wordless block of your choosing.

Week 5: Releasing Wordless Blocks Through Breathwork: Part 2
Building on the week 4 experience, we’ll go deeper into the wordless block through discharging and downregulating before we take it to 3-part breath. Then we will create from the open space. Excavating creatives blocks without going into past story allows the work to access more of the body.

In this class we will thaw more of the freeze within the wordless block and discover what creative impulse is available for expression.

Week 6: Integration: Continuing to Grow Your Creative Process
Integration is an essential stage in a growth process. We recognize that what we have learned is now an active part of us and we begin to infuse the creative process with the new Knowing.  We create a structure for ongoing support and periodic reflection to cultivate and tend the learning and allow further transformation.

In this class we will recap major themes, celebrate what we have received, and claim what we have integrated during the course.

All classes will be recorded, and the recordings will be available for 30 days from the record date.

Course Starts Sunday, February 18, 2024
Live sessions are from 11:00am-1:00pm EST
On Zoom–recording link sent via email shortly after session ends
Course Ends Sunday, March 24, 2024

Minimum enrollment for course to run is 5 participants.

Read more about Rose


February 18 @ 11:00 am
March 24 @ 1:00 pm
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Rose Bohn

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