The Adventure of Healing

October 20, 2023

Hello Fellow Multidimensional Adventurers,

The past two weeks, I was in Sandia Park, New Mexico at a retreat house where I received training to facilitate healing through three-part breath by my teacher, David Elliott. This breathwork has been transforming me slowly for the past three+ years, making it possible for me to deepen my creative process and share my voice through my writing and teaching. I had never been to the southwest U.S. The azure blue sky, pinion, ponderosa, and red rock pierced my heart and made a home there. It was an extraordinary setting for the deep work the 35 of us did.

Transgenerational healing was my soul’s focus throughout the week of breathwork practice and training. What transformed is my Knowing and my feeling. One day, Mama and Oma came into my breathwork, and I felt rage and loss that were so large and deep I didn’t believe the energy would clear… but it did. Another day, Mama, Papa, their parents, and Papa’s grandma (7 spirits) came into my breathwork practice. I felt the grief and loss that none of us got to be children when we were children because of war and famine. I grew up in political and financial stability, but I was raised as if war could come again any day—this is one tendril of the survival wound that spirals around my energetic roots and constricts my life-flow. Feeling and expressing the grief and loss during the breathwork allows that stuck energy to flow through and release.

Several other participants in the training also experienced transgenerational healing. I was in a community who already live this work, and this amplified the healing for all of us.

My parents died 6+ years ago, and my relationship with them continues to change and grow. During the breathwork, I felt close to Mama and Papa in a way I never felt when they were in bodies. After the week of training and practice, I feel that they are now guides and supporters. Previously, I felt I was doing this work for me and them, and now I feel they are in this work with me.

This changes how I experience my day-to-day living, and I’m growing a more intimate relationship with Spirit. I didn’t go into the training with this aim, but the breathwork opened my heart further and further and this is what entered. I’m delighted that there’s a large community of people who believe in this healing work and desire to offer it to others. Healing myself brings healing to others—this is work I can devote myself to wholeheartedly.

Please email me if you would like more information about the breathwork or to book a session with me. I’m giving a free session to the first 5 bookings.

My next coffering is a series of 6 classes for writers called Sacred Writing: Creating a New Story for Humanity

Check out the full 6-week course for more information or to register.

On Wednesday, October 25 and on Wednesday, November 1 (before the course starts) I’m offering a free taster session that will introduce you to embodied practices and a neuro-wise foundation to lovingly release your blocks and open your creative flow. To learn more or sign up for the free taster classes, click here.

I’ll be sending an email in a few days with more about my on-line class and the healing work of expanding your creative process.

Connected we shine!


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